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Writer's pictureJosh Reading



“ And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” Hebrews 10:24

The goal of discipleship is Christ-likeness in every area.

The journey is one of leaving our past, our sin and our broken selfishness behind as we “put on the new self” (Col 3:8 – 9) and pursue God’s Kingdom in everything (Matt 6:9 – 13, 33)

D Questions exist to help create personal awareness, accountability and increasing focus as we continue to journey in becoming more like Christ in every area of life. The goal, in their use, is to use these as a tool to help you reflect, pray, repent, and be changed more into the image of Jesus (Rom 8:29)

We frame these questions primarily under the five different focuses as unpackaged from Ephesians 4 that enable health in both the individual and community.

Attached to each question set are Biblical verses that may help in digger deeper into the issues that arise as you journey.

These questions are designed to be used in smaller huddle groups (2 – 4) however they can be used in any appropriate environment. You may at times only get through a single question or few, ensure that over time you ask the full span of the questions and follow up on the obedient responses drawn from loving Jesus.



Q1. Am I feeling defeated by circumstance or struggling with sin in any part of my life? How can I become more like Jesus? (James 5:15 – 16, Ps 23, Ps 50:15, Col 3:8 - 10

Q2. Am I conflicted with someone or with a situation I need to deal with? Am I jealous, proud, impure, critical, irritable, touchy or distrustful? If so, what am I going to do about it? (Matt 18, James 3:13 – 16)

Q3. Am I committed to the gathering of believers as an active family member? (Acts 2:42 – 47, Heb 10:24 - 25, Rom 12:4 – 5, 1 Cor 13, Prov 3:9)


Q4. How has God been leading or challenging me? How has that led to obedient action? (John 14:15, Rom 8:14)

Q5. How am I building up my own Spirit? For instance, praying in Tongues, focused adoration or time focused waiting on the Holy Spirit (Jude 20, 1 Cor 14:15, Rom 8:26, Heb 4:16, Ps 130:5)

Q6. When was the last time I ministered supernaturally? Was it prayer? A prophetic sense of wisdom? Etc. How did it go? (1 Cor 14:1, James 5:16, Matt 10:8)


Q7. Have I spent adequate time in Bible study and reflection? Is it living in me today? (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16 – 17, Matt 7:24)

Q8. Is there anything in scripture that I am struggling with emotionally, doctrinally or practically? (James 1:23, Prov 30:5 – 6)

Q9. Who have I read or discussed the word with recently? How did that go? (Col 3:16, Deut 6;4 – 9)


Q10. How are my people of peace going? Are they progressing in their faith journey? (Luke 10:6, Mark 12:31)

Q11. When did I last speak to someone about my faith in Jesus? Do the people in my workplace know I am a believer? (Matt 28:18 – 20, Luke 9:25 – 26)

Q12. Am I ‘dull’ to the brokenness and ‘lostness’ of the people around me? Or is there a fire burning in me that reflects the heart of the father? (1 Peter 3:9, Matt 23:37)


Q13. What area of kingdom expansion/missions am I faithfully giving to? (2 Cor 8:7, Phil 4:17 – 18, Luke 6:38)

Q14. Am I partnering with my life Com to grow it and help it to ultimately move toward the establishment of new communities? What part do I play in this? (John 20:21, Rom 12)

Q15. How am I ‘handling’ the constant ‘sent nature’ of the Church and the changes that bring? (John 20:21, Acts 1:8, Phil 4:11 – 13, John 14:16, Ps 18:2)

LASTLY: Have you been fully honest today ?

# These questions are an amalgam of questions from a number of sources including the Wesley Small group questions refined and focused into five primary areas.

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